Mandiri Investment Forum 2021

Thematic Day

1-2 February 2021

Banking Virtual Site Visit – Monday, 1 February 2021
We will do virtual visits to several customers of Bank Mandiri and Bank Rakyat Indonesia to discuss their businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, loan restructuring and plans and expectations for the future. They are located in several areas in Java, Bali, and Sulawesi, and are involved in various industries in several segments. Following the virtual visits, we will discuss with each bank’s management.
09.00 - 09.50Bank Mandiri Tbk
10.00 - 10.50Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk

1 Bank Mandiri Makassar, South Sulawesi Asphalt & fuel trading Yusuf Tyos President Director PT Multi Trading Pratama
Kediri, East Java Seafood & Frog leg exporter Anthony Edwin Wiyono President Director PT Bandeng Oerang Sejahtera
Gresik, East Java Paper & cardboard industry Lannawati Hendra Director PT Surabaya Mekabox
Jakarta Apparel seller Ali Zamril Owner
2 Bank BRI Bali Weaving business I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik Artha Wijaya Owner
Yogyakarta Bird cage producer Hery Suwanto Owner

Tech Day

Bain, Temasek, and Google’s Sea E-Economy report 2020 forecasts Indonesia’s internet economy to grow by CAGR 23% in 2025 (from 11% in 2020). The internet economy will be supported by investment in the tech sector, particularly the shifting focus of Chinese VC from India to Indonesia. As of 1H20, the investment sector has already experienced a 55% YoY growth.

The second day of our Mandiri Investment Forum 2021 will be dedicated to these Indonesian Unicorns, such as Tokopedia, Go-Jek, and Bukalapak, as well as to the fast-growing sectors of edutech (Ruang Guru) and health-tech (Grab Health). Wilson Cuaca (from East Ventures) and Pandu Sjahrir (from AC Ventures) will also be presenting.

Day 1 – Monday, 1 February 2021

08.00 - 08.50Startup Trend in 2021
East Ventures - Willson Cuaca, Co-Founder and Managing Partner (CONFIRMED)
09.00 - 09.50Mobility in Indonesia Post Covid-19
Go-Jek - Andre Soelistyo, Co-CEO (CONFIRMED)
10.00 - 10.50Agritech Role to Achieve National Food Security
Tanihub Group - Pamitra Wineka, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
Aruna – Farid Naufal Aslam, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
11.00 - 11.50Logistic & Fullfillment Biz: Riding on E-commerce Boom
Paxel – Bryant Christanto, CEO (CONFIRMED)
SIRCLO - Brian Marshal, CEO, Founder (CONFIRMED)
12.00 - 12.50How Ruang Guru Builds Ed-Tech Empire in Indonesia
Ruangguru-Iman Usman, Co-Founder and Chief of Product & Partnership (CONFIRMED)
13.00 - 13.50Streaming Landscape: Intensifying Video On Demand
Telkomsel – Rachel Goh, Chief Marketing Officer (CONFIRMED)
MNC Group - Hary Tanoesoedibjo, Chairman (CONFIRMED)
14.00 - 14.50 The New Dine-In Trend: A Virtual Restaurant
Hangry – Abraham Viktor, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
YummyKitchen - Mario Suntanu, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
15.00 - 15.50 Indonesia E-commerce: Covid-19 Impact and the Rise of Social Commerce
Tokopedia – Patrick Cao, President and CFO (CONFIRMED)
16.00 - 16.50Billion Dollars Opportunity in Indo E-sport Market
EVOS Esports - Hartman Harris Christian, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
GGWP.ID - Audi Eka Prasetyo, Digital Content Strategist (CONFIRMED)

Day 2 – Tuesday, 2 February 2021

08.00 - 08.50Indonesia Tech Landscape in 2021: Opportunities and Challenges
AC Ventures - Pandu Sjahrir, Founding Partner (CONFIRMED)
09.00 - 09.50The Path to Profitability
Bukalapak - Muhammad Rachmat Kaimudin, CEO (CONFIRMED)
10.00 - 10.50Clean Energy Trend in Fossil Fuel Rich Country
Xurya Daya Indonesia - Eka Himawan, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
PT ARKORA HYDRO - Aldo Artoko, President Director (CONFIRMED)
11.00 - 11.50Opportunities & Challenges for O2O Retailers
Fabelio - Christian Sutardi, Co-Founder (CONFIRMED)
PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk - Jeremy Sim, Director
12.00 - 12.50Health Tech Trend After Pandemic
Grab Health - Danu Wicaksana, Managing Director (CONFIRMED)
ZAP Clinic - Fadhli Sahab, CEO/Founder (CONFIRMED)
Apotek K-24 - Herodion Adiwignyo Hartono, Director (CONFIRMED)

Morning Talk with Chairman of BKPM& Investment Clinic(Online/Webminar Event)
4 February 2021
The Agenda of Morning Talk with Chairman of BKPMB
Thursday, 4 February 2021
07.30 – 08.15Registration
08.15 – 08.30Welcoming Remarks
DarmawanJunaidi,CEO of Bank Mandiri
08.30 – 10.00Morning Talk with BahlilLahadalia, Chairman of BKPM
The Government has set up the Online Single Submission (OSS) to streamline investment procedures as wellto create faster and transparent investment licensing procedures for investors. After piloting OSSfor several regencies and provinces, BKPM has fully operated the OSS in 2019. However, the issues regarding investment policy and business regulations are still remained. To expand the scope of licenses served by OSS and to make it more effective, the Government need to align some laws and regulations. Moreover, the Law of Job Creation has mandated to evaluate investment and business licenses according to risk-based approach. Therefore, it is important to understand those changes and how it will be implemented in licensing process for investors.
This session will provide insight on government priorities to streamline investment procedures and requirements and its implementation in local governments levels. Moreover, the meeting is expected to provide guidance for investors on the future direction on investment policies and investment opportunities in priority sectors.
10.00 – 12.00Investment Clinic with BKPM
TInvestment clinic provides opportunity for existing and potential investors to discussspecific issues or obstacles in investment in Indonesia. Up to three BKPM’s help desks – conducted virtually, will be set up for investors to discuss issues on investment licenses, procedures, and requirements.