Mandiri Investment Forum


Mandiri Investment Forum Presentation Material

1.  SRI MULYANI INDRAWATI - INDONESIA OUTLOOK : Striking The Right Balance Between Reform and Growth 
3.  Agung Sedaju - Mandiri Investment Forum 2018 : Reform and Growth in the Political Years 
4.  Agus D.W. Martowardojo - Monetary Focus : Navigating the Domestic Economy Amid Risks 
5.  Arif Zulkifli - Pemilu dan Turbulensi Politik 2019 
6.  Dr. Bejoy Das Gupta - Global Outlook: Strong Expansion But Watch for Passing Storms  
7.  Burhanuddin Muhtadi - INDONESIA’S POLITICAL OUTLOOK 2018 
8.  Darmin Nasution - Opening Remarks : MANDIRI INVESTMENT FORUM 2018  
9.  Djayadi Hanan - Indonesian Politics in the “Years of Politics” 
10.  Hamdhani Dzulkarnaen Salim - Indonesian Automotive Component Manufacturing Industry : Strategic Views on Manufacturing Competitiveness 
11.  Jesus Felipe - Notes on Indonesia’s industrialization…or its lack of it? The role of the players 
12.  M. Chatib Basri - Indonesian Economy in the Global Tightening Cycle 
13.  Rini M. Soemarno - The Role of SOEs in the Economic Transformation 
14.  Agus D.W. Martowardojo - Monetary Focus : Navigating the Domestic Economy Amid Risks 
15.  Sean Darby - Global Equity Strategy| Mandiri Investment