Mandiri Investment Forum


Mandiri Investment Forum Presentation Material

1.  Mandiri Investment Forum Agenda 
2.  Prof. Bambang P.S Brodjonegoro - Laying the Groundwork for Sustainable Development 
3.  Gatot Trihargo - Leading the Governance of State-owned enterprises 
4.  Agus D.W. Martowardojo - Striking the Right Balance Between Global Risk and Domestic Needs for Accommodative Policies 
5.  Ganjar Pranowo - Pokok Pokok Meteri Kondisi Makro Jawa Tengah 
6.  Ridwan Kamil - Business Opportunity in Local Government 
7.  Magnus Grimeland - ZALORA Asia's Online Fashion Destination 
8.  Steven Tabor - Global and Indonesia Outlook 2016: Facing the New Normal