Mandiri Investment Forum


Mandiri Investment Forum Presentation Material

1.  RINI SOEMARNO - The Role of State-Owned Enterprises to Attract Foreign Investment 
2.  M. Chatib Basri - Indonesian Economic Outlook 2019 
3.  Robin Brooks - EM Vulnerability What’s Next for Emerging Markets ?  
4.  Sean Darby - Global 2019: Investing as the Cycle Matures 
5.  M. Ridwan Kamil - West Java : Investment and Partnership 
6.  Ridy Lie - Attracting Investment into Indonesian Startups  
7.  Prof. Suahasil Nazara - Fiscal Policy to Boost Investment 
8.  Glenn Sugita - Indonesia : From Private Equity Perspective  
9.  Paulus Bambang WS - Building a Competitive Human Capital to Meet the Industrial Demand of Tomorrow 
10.  Satya Radjasa - building a COMPETITIVE HUMAN CAPITAL to meet the industrial demand of TOMORROW 
11.  Steven Yudiyantho - Winning Generation Game : TO MEET THE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND OF TOMORROW