Mandiri Investment Forum 2025
Government's Flagship Programs Visit
Government's Flagship Programs Visit: Free Nutritious Meals Central Kitchen site visit, followed by a session with the Ministry of Public Housing to discuss the 3 Million Housing Program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing affordable housing across Indonesia.
Rundown TBA
Digital Infrastructure Visit
Digital infrastructure Visit: Investments in the Creation of Data Center Ecosystem. Gain new experiences through a site visit to a leading connectivity player to learn about its business operations. This will be complemented by a site visit to the manufacturing facilities of global leading telecommunication cable manufacturers to see the production process.
Rundown TBA
Consumer-Retail Visit
Consumer-Retail Visit: Join us to visit Cimory’s largest dairy plant in Sentul, West Java, where the company produces its dairy products including UHT milk, yogurt squeeze, yogurt stick, yogurt squeeze bites, yogurt drinks, and many more. Our journey will also take you to Indonesia's largest value variety chain store, MR. D.I.Y., to gain a better understanding of its positioning within the vast retail sector. We will conclude our trip with a visit to Aspirasi Hidup Indonesia’s (AHI; ACES) store as it unveils its new brand and store concept, followed by a company presentation.
Rundown: TBA