Mandiri Investment Forum 2024

Mandiri Investment Forum 2024

The global economy in 2023 has been a rollercoaster ride. The prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflicts, renewed tensions between the US, China, and Taiwan, and the recent war in the Middle East have all contributed to increased volatility risks. Additionally, economic risks are present due to the US Fed’s extended hawkish monetary policy, leading to a “higher for longer” narrative. China, another major influential economy, is facing a prolonged economic slowdown as it deals with declining global demand and a prolonged crisis in its property sector. These factors raise concerns that the global economy may endure a “slower for longer” phase`.

Despite global challenges, Indonesia’s economy remains relatively resilient, bolstered by a large domestic market and a stronger economic foundation that resulted from years of structural reforms, including infrastructure development and downstreaming in the mining sector. However, the upcoming elections and the transition to a new government pose questions to the continuity of these ongoing reforms.

During the Macro Day, there will be discussions outlining the strategies and policies of the next government, which needs to further pursue sustainable economic growth and foster the resilience of the economy amid global challenges. Additionally, the conference will draw insights from both the public and private sectors regarding their take on the economy, ongoing policies, and the next growth drivers. The MIF 2024 is intended to be a venue for investors and policymakers to identify investment obstacles and formulate various approaches to resolve these hurdles. We hope the forum will accelerate Indonesia’s economic growth via continuous reforms and attract more investments into the country.

Our main event provides access to presentations from high-ranking government officials, global prominent speakers, and business leaders. Some of our invited speakers are:

Tuesday, 5 March 2024
    Invited Speakers – Government Officials
  • Maurice ObtsfeldC. Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow Peterson Institute for International Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Kartika WirjoatmodjoVice Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia
  • James A. RobinsonThe Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies, University of Chicago
  • Thomas AbellDirector of Digital Technology, Asian Development Bank
  • Erick ThohirMinister of State-Owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia
    Invited Speakers – Other
  • Mahendra SiregarChairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority
  • Linda YuehAdjunct Professor of Economics, London Business School
  • Sopnendu MohantyChief Fintech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • Perry WarjiyoGovernor of Bank Indonesia
  • Sri Mulyani IndrawatiMinister of Finance, Republic of Indonesia
  • Oriana Skylar MastroCenter Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Courtesy Assistant Professor of Political Science at Stanford University