Jakarta, 2 October 2024 - PT Mandiri Sekuritas (Mandiri Sekuritas/Company) has once again been trusted by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance as a distribution partner for Retail Government Securities (SBN) in the form of Retail Government Bonds (ORI) series 026 (ORI026). These bonds can be easily purchased through the Mandiri Online Securities Trading (MOST) SBN digital platform or sbn.most.co.id. The ORI026 offering is open from 30 September to 24 October 2024.
ORI026 is offered in two tenors or investment periods: ORI026-T3 with a 3-year tenor, maturing on 15 February 2027, and ORI026-T6 with a 6-year tenor, maturing on 15 February 2030. The bonds offer attractive coupon rates of 6.3% for ORI026T3 and 6.4% for ORI026T6 per year.
Retail Director of Mandiri Sekuritas, Theodora VN Manik, said, “The issuance of ORI026 is a tangible manifestation of the synergy between government, financial sector and community. Mandiri Sekuritas is humbled to be able to play an active role in strengthening the national financial foundation while providing access to safe and profitable investments for the wider community. ORI026 is not just an investment instrument, but also an opportunity for all levels of society to participate directly in Indonesia's national growth. With easy access through our digital platform, investing is no longer limited to a select few but becomes part of a broader and more equitable financial inclusion, contributing to a better Indonesia.”
It is important to note that ORI026-T6 is the first Retail SDG Bond for individual investors, issued to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Investors can easily and securely purchase both types of ORI026 through MOST, with a minimum investment starting from Rp1 million and a maximum order of Rp5 billion for ORI026-T3 and Rp10 billion for ORI026-T6. Customers can choose from these two SBN options based on their financial and investment goals.
Through the MOST SBN platform, public can invest in ORI026 in four easy steps: registering online at register.most.co.id, placing an SBN order, making payments through a Perception Bank, and monitoring the transaction.
The ORI026 offering is opened from 30 September at 09.00am until 24 October 2024 at 10.00am Jakarta time. The first coupon payment of ORI026 will be made on 15 December 2024, with subsequent payments made on the 15th of each month until maturity.